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For those of you who don't know me; I'm a scatterbrained ex-journalist with a passion for music - specifically local music. My mission on Music'nStuff is to share album reviews, gig reviews, interviews, gig guides, etc. with you - with the hope that my love for music will at least rub off on some of you so we can support South African music the way it deserves to be supported.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Artist Q&A: The Arrows

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

I'm a bit fragile today after celebrating my 26th birthday in Mexican style last night, so I thought the only thing that would make the suffering better is to have a chat with The Arrows.



What can fans expect from you in 2011?
Hopefully the few shows we are managing to play around South Africa will be packed with passion and loads of energy! Our fans will hear songs off our album, Make Believe plus a few extra features that will hopefully get them dancing.

Why "The Arrows"?
Pam had a dream one night that she was an arrow being shot all over different landscapes. It was a very vivid and powerful dream. Then, the next day at rehearsal - without knowing about Pam's dream - Christie suggested the name "The Arrows". At this point they both clicked and realised it must be destiny.

Favourite club to gig at?
Galaxy in Cape Town is absolutely incredible! Mercury in Cape Town is also rad. For more intimate concerts, we really like Zula Bar.

What's the best thing about being in a band?
Hearing people sing your songs and knowing that you're playing something that really connected with them.

What are some of the challenges you face as an all-girl band in today's music scene?
Firstly, the people expect us to be half undressed, as if we're the Pussycat Dolls or something. People don't expect us to understand that much about music or electronics for that matter.

Most embarrassing moment on stage?
The one time Pam fell of the stage at Zula Bar after a show and twisted her ankle really badly. Ironically, she was one of the only sober people in the room!

When you get the time, which band do you go watch?
Desmond & The Tutu's, The Dirty Skirts and HHP.

Would you rather date a politician or lose your instruments?
There are a hell of a lot worse things than having to date a politician.

Worst pick-up line you've ever heard?
"Awesome gig! For a girl you were pretty good."

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