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For those of you who don't know me; I'm a scatterbrained ex-journalist with a passion for music - specifically local music. My mission on Music'nStuff is to share album reviews, gig reviews, interviews, gig guides, etc. with you - with the hope that my love for music will at least rub off on some of you so we can support South African music the way it deserves to be supported.

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Behind The Scenes With Futuresound

I recently had the opportunity to catch up with the super cool guys of Futuresound on set of their latest music video, When Will You Fall. Now, let me explain something first: the first time I met Siba, Rev, Genesis and Steve was about three years ago during the MTN Xploaded initiative. I was immediately impressed with their down-to-earth approach and humbleness - an impression that just grew over the years as I worked with them on a few articles for people magazine.

Here you can see them on set of the When Will You Fall video shoot. Honestly, do yourself a favour and look for them on Facebook - I promise you'll be hooked after the first gig you attend... and then we can hook up and gush together at all their other gigs!

What's the song about?
The song basically speaks about the lengths a guy would go to make the girl fall in love with him; all the crazy, borderline obsessive things guys do to ensure that the attraction is reciprocated.

What was the concept of the video?
The concept paints a picture of four guys in love with the same girl. All of them have a relationship with her, do things with her that couples do that relate to the title of the song, When Will You Fall. There's a twist when all the guys find out they are being played by the same girl when they are out in a club on a night out with their 'woman'.

Who was producing the video?
The video was produced by Cut 2 Black Productions.

Tell us more about the actual shoot?
We shot in different locations making up the background of each character with what they believe is their woman: The bulk of the video was shot at Latinova night club in Rosebank. Siba's scenes were shot at a drag racing strip in Newtown, Rev's scenes were shot in the bedroom of a Parktown mansion, Genisis' scenes were done at a street fighting warehouse in Newtown and some in Parktown and Steve's scenes were shot at Baseline in Newtown and a coffee shop in Parktown.

What's happening with your new album?
We've replaced three tracks on the original debut album, of which When Will You Fall is part. The self-titled album was written and recorded over a period of three years, during which we found ourselves with a pool of close to sixty songs. We had to scale down to 18... We hope we chose correctly! All of our songs paint a picture of our journey from then til now - encompassing our influences and musical direction as a whole.

Where did the name Futuresound come from?
Genesis got the name in a message from God before we started the band. He thought it was meant for his own project, but when he mentioned while we were together it resonated with all of us and we were at peace about it. The rest is history!

What's in store for the rest of 2011?
We plan on bridging the gap between Futuresound's music and the faces of Futuresound, because we've found that a lot of people know our music but aren't familiar with who we are. So, through a series of videos - of which When Will You Fall is the first - we plan to do that.We've also got plenty of tours and gigs lined up; we're coming to cities and towns other artists neglect all over the country. People can check our Twitter and Facebook pages to see where we are and when.

Throughout the day, the guys kept fans updated on Facebook and Twitter via their BlackBerry smart phones. Hurrah for technology!

Keep your eyes peeled for When Will You Fall on a small screen near you!

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