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For those of you who don't know me; I'm a scatterbrained ex-journalist with a passion for music - specifically local music. My mission on Music'nStuff is to share album reviews, gig reviews, interviews, gig guides, etc. with you - with the hope that my love for music will at least rub off on some of you so we can support South African music the way it deserves to be supported.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Geoffrey Smith Quits Dimeshift

You might remember a few weeks ago I had a short Q&A with Dimeshift and Eden Michelle drummer Geoffrey Smith (aka The Drumsmith). Well, since then a lot of things have been happening for this young man, including his decision to leave Dimeshift for rock outfit Broadway Screamer.

Why did you decide to leave Dimeshift?
During the few months leading up to my exit from the band, I found that I wasn't enjoying playing with them as much as I had before. Things seemed to become a little stagnant and I started to feel that it was time to move on. At first an opportunity arose for me to join Eden Michelle. I thought that I would play for both bands but then last week another opportunity came up for me to also join Broadway Screamer. I don't think I'd be able to cope with three bands so I decided to leave Dimeshift.

Did you leave on good terms?
It's never easy to quit a band but it went better than I thought it would. We still had a final band practise after I told them the news. I've also said that if a gig does come up and they haven't found a new drummer yet, then I will try help them out if I'm available. The guys were supportive if my decision.
Where can we expect to see you next?
My first gig with Broadway Screamer will be this Saturday (25 September) at Muso's International with CrashCarBurn. It seems like that venue is becoming quite sentimental ha ha... It was also where I met Eden Michelle and had my first gig with them.
If you were to meet a genie, what would you wish for?
A new drum kit, an endless drum stick supply... and I'd give you the last wish! (Thanks! Tee hee! - Izzy)
If you could invent a new instrument, what would it sound like?
It would be a simple instrument... with the ability to produce one single note. The brown note :) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_note)
Good luck with your future endeavours, Geoff!

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