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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

5 Mins With Knave's Michael Rorke

Hey peeps!

Happy humpday! So, everyone knows Knave, right? They're only one of the biggest hard-rock acts in the country, I'd say. No big deal... You might also know them as the Prison Break guys since their hit single, Taunt And Tether (off their debut album Polarity), was used for the Season 3 promo of the popular TV show.

Since then Knave's sophomore offering, Cognition, hit stores and the guys have been busy playing music festivals - and working on their rad website (www.knave.co.za) - and keeping fans happy with their energetic live performances. 

I had a quick chat with drummer Michael Rorke about everything from hairy band mates to Ginger Spice.

What did you want to be when you grow up and how did you end up with Knave?
I wanted to surf when I lived in Durbs, but that dream was soon shattered when I moved up to Joeys in 89'... and thus I traded the passion of the board for that of the drums. I had been jamming for about 7 years in a handful of bands and after getting fired from one of them, I took a hiatus from the gigging scene and opted for more drum lessons in order to climb over some mental hurdles that naturally would come from being let go.
I knew the right band would come round, and I turned many down during the months in between. It was only after a 7-foot makar called Louis called me up for a beer and some chats and handed me a demo that I really considered taking the step to join Knave. I have footage of our first jam together - it's so damn funny how much we have all changed appearance-wise... it kind of looks like we ate those kids now. Ah, good times...
What's the hardest part about being in a band?
Phew - definitely balancing up gig and practice schedules with day jobs, relationships... life in general. A band is all about compromise. We learnt that the hard way.
Are you a nerd?
I'm a heavy Nintendo geek, which reminds me that I still need to save the princess Zelda. Peach is safe, but probably in another castle. I also have a huge passion for figurine collecting - I think I have more toys than your average street of kids... 
If your life was made into a movie, what would it be called?
Free Willy.
If you had to date a member of the band, who would it be and why?
Gawd! No thanks... Chris smells like Whiskey, Jean's too hairy, Louis is too big and one doesn't know where the hell Matt has been! Ha!
Would you want The Spice Girls to reform?
I'd rather suck the farts out of dead seagulls, to be totally honest. But I'm being unfair, as I feel, since their departure from the world stage and the frikken billions of albums they sold, that they should perhaps have another shot at the new wave of kids out there. I mean, especially in England where most of the tweens and teens are a bunch of snooty shits... they could use some love from the Spice. And I'd like Ginger to hit the tabs regarding her 7-hour shags again... I liked her more after that. 

Visit Knave's website for upcoming gigs, awesome pics and videos and much more cool stuff! ;)


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